Copywriter for Women-Owned Businesses

I write to sell so you can exhale… AND EXCEL!

goddess art women owned businesses


Vertical White Line

Hey you. Yes— I see you. Doing QUEEN SH*T like running your business, trying to get ahead of the patriarchial competition, and sadly losing sleep over each menial task it involves.

Doing it all and then spending hours mulling over your marketing copy might be taking a toll on your health, relationships, and personal time. On top of that, you need it to SELL!

Meanwhile, your direct competitor (who happens to be— ahem, “of the male persuasion”), is always one step ahead of you in sales and customers. You decide to meet your adversary out for a business coffee date to secretly pick his brain. He then tells you— WAIT FOR IT— he HIRES someone to write ALL of his marketing copy, and frees up his time for travel, family time, and relaxation. Infuriating, right??


Girl, I get it.

Yes, it’s infuriating. He has a leg up on your competition AND has free time for himself. Although it costs him a pretty penny to hire a copywriter, he “wouldn’t trade them for the world,” he says.

Your adversary explains the immense value of the return on his investment. You start to think, “where can I get one?,” or “how can I hire a better one?”. Because in all actuality, you want to break this proverbial glass ceiling!

Imagine, if you will: the fruits of outranking your competition in Google and other search engines, sales page conversions at a higher rate than ever before, and more traffic digitally or by foot to your business… that eventually you will be the one getting asked out for coffee by business peers to pick your brain.

Think about it: will you get to brag about that summer you traveled abroad? Spend more time with family and friends? Get some much-needed beauty sleep at a reasonable hour without worrying over a landing page?

Look— it’s not out-of-reach, in fact, you may have just stumbled across the one who gets your frustrations, and can deliver the outcomes of your aforementioned desires.

women owned business ecommerce copywriter

Let’s shatter that glass ceiling.

Queen, it’s time we rule this kingdom. Add me to your court and together we can knock down the pawns.

Whether your brand is soft and delicate, bold and empowering, or quirky and unique, my intuitive nature can adapt to whatever voice or tone that your style of copy needs to compel your targeted audience to act.

I want to relieve that added stress of marketing that is essential to how your business not only functions, but thrives. Partner with me so you can exhale and excel!


Proving the pen is mightier than his sword.

— Yours truly

What I Offer



THE MATRIARCH: Full-service, highly optimized & in charge with conversions and sales.

Website Copy ($300)

4 Blogs a Month ($200 each)

2 Newsletters ($200) + 2 Landing Pages ($1,200)

Package Valued @ $2,500; Bundled Price $2,000

YOU SAVE $500!


THE QUEEN: Still showing authority and relevance while nurturing her customers.

4 Blogs a Month ($200 each)

1 Email Sequence (3; $150)

1 Landing Page ($600)

Package Valued @ $1,550; Bundled Price $1,250

YOU SAVE $300!


THE PRINCESS: Keeps a high profile but is content in rank behind THE QUEEN.

4 Blogs a Month ($200 each)

2 Newsletters ($100 each)

Package Valued @ $1,000; Bundled Price $900

YOU SAVE $100!


What’s Included

All of my services include the following features:

  • Content strategy in your brand’s voice & tone to help grow your business & build an authentic community

  • Formatting so you catch all the online skimmers

  • Editing so you have error-free copy that’s ready to go live

  • Fresh ideas for your target audience (if needed)

  • Search Engine Optimization so your customers can find you easily online

  • Copywriting in your brand’s voice that attracts, sparks interest, awakens their desire, and gets them to act

  • Royalty-free photography (if needed)

A la Carte Services



$200 (up to 1,000 words)

Why blogs? SEO optimized blogs keep your site visibly ranked in Google, and produce 67% new leads on avg. to businesses.*Source: Commerce Tools

Website Copy

$300 (800—1,000 word page)

Stellar SEO optimized website copy to drive traffic from Google directly to your site.

Landing Pages

$600 (for any product under $100 or copy under 1,000 words)

Direct Response copy that earns you sales, QUEEN! Attractive and compelling copy with CTAs to get your customers to act now.

Email Sequences

$50 per email (3 emails in a sequence)

Let’s attract and nurture your audience with timed-sequenced copy that informs, builds trust and authority, and earns you sales.




I wrote the copy for this magazine cover ad in 2011 for Toyota of Boerne, located in Boerne, TX. *Source Disclaimer: These portfolio pieces are from when I was employed as a copywriter for Strong Automotive Merchandising. Since I am new to freelancing, I will update as I acquire new clients for Matriarch Agency (full transparency).


I “ghost-wrote” the letter in this direct mailer ad, Protecting Your Investment, for Toyota of Boerne in 2011, located in Boerne, TX. *Source: Strong Automotive Merchandising.


An ‘e-blast’ or email blast written for Don McGill Toyota of Katy in Katy, TX in 2011. *Source: Strong Automotive Merchandising.


How it works:

  • In this 15 to 30-minute video call, we meet, discuss your needs, and decide if we’re a good fit. I send you a proposal outlining my recommendations.

  • You chose your wing-woman! YAY! Sign your contract and pay 50% of your invoice. I start working on a small test project (usually a blog post or a newsletter).

  • Exhale as all your writing troubles are no longer yours. You’ve got your expert to rely on, so go to that spa you’ve been dreaming about! (Or work on other tasks.)

  • Once I’m done, I’ll email your project in a Google Doc, along with an invoice for the remaining 50% of your balance. You get one round of revisions if something needs a tweak.

  • That’s it. Once the test project is complete, we’ll evaluate the process, work out any kinks, and decide if we want to continue slaying together.

Copywriter women-owned businesses Lynlee Carpenter orange suit green door

Hi, I’m Lynlee.

Let me introduce myself: my name is Lynlee Carpenter; a creative, sensitive and intuitive soul since birth. My talents started to develop in college as a Mass Communication major at The University of Montevallo. After college in 2003, I started my copywriting journey in a broadcasting company writing radio spots, which progressed to ad agency experience writing copy in all mediums. As this world evolved with the progression of digital media, my skills in that arena matured as well with my career.

I am also very passionate about helping my female sisters in this “patriarchal rat race.” So for my freelance copywriting career, women-owned businesses will be my main focus.

  • I know what it feels like to be behind my peers in business, even if we do the same job.

  • My expertise will quickly alleviate any marketing headaches you come across. Let me handle it and watch your business expand and thrive.

This is the dawning of the age of the matriarch.




Get in touch.

We’d love to hear from you!

Let’s slay together.

Book an appointment with me here to get started. A 15 to 30-minute video discovery call so we can meet, discuss your pain points, your business needs, and to see if we’re a good fit.

What do I need for this call? Come as you are, in whatever state you’re in because I know how busy you are. Just expect a casual, friendly face that is willing to listen to your marketing needs. I may record the call to ensure I have everything for my copy notes. I can’t wait to work with you!


 #BadBitch Babblings.